Category: Research Grants

We are collecting information on research grants from various external sources. Please visit the funding opportunities webpages for the most up-to-date and detailed information. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability from any inaccuracy in any of the material on this website. This list is not meant to be a comprehensive list of funding opportunities, and we cannot endorse any of these opportunities. We cannot provide assistance with applications, if you have questions or need assistance with applications please contact the funding agencies directly.

If you know of a funding opportunity that is not listed please let us know about it here. If you see any outdated or incorrect information please let us know about it here.

Palestine-Quebec Science Bridge (Canada)

As part of the scientific collaboration between researchers in Quebec and their counterparts in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, the Palestinian Quebec Science Bridge (PQSB) aims at promoting the international mobility of Palestinian researchers, especially early-career and junior researchers, and their counterparts in Quebec.

In accordance with the PALAST, FRQS, FRQNT and FRQSC Agreement, the PQSB will fund research projects in three broad research areas: health sciences; natural sciences and engineering; and social sciences, humanities, and arts.

all details on their website.

Global Challenges Research Fund

The Global Challenges Research Fund is a fund announced by the UK Government in late 2015 to support cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. There are different calls, in different areas, for UK based researchers. More information here.

Royal Society International Collaboration Awards

Award from  the Royal Society (UK) for outstanding UK research leaders to develop international collaborations with the best leading researchers from around the world, to work on some of the global challenges and problems facing developing countries. This scheme covers natural sciences and engineering. More  information here.

Royal Society Challenge-led Grants

Royal Society (UK) scheme to provide funding to support Research Consortia involving groups in the UK and developing countries to address Global Challenge. The scheme covers natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities and medical and clinical research. More details here.

RAS-OAD astro4dev grants

The mission of the OAD is to help further the use of astronomy, including its practitioners, skills and infrastructures, as a tool for development by mobilizing the human and financial resources necessary in order to realize the field’s scientific, technological and cultural benefits to society.

Mobility funding is available which has the goal of establishing or nurturing research, educational and/or development related collaborations between the United Kingdom (UK) and countries where astronomy research is not well established. Open for scientists, engineers or educators either based in the UK, or who will travel to the UK.  More details here.